Banner with white and yellow text, saying "Submit your 2024 proposal by May 8"

Get started: UC Tech session proposal submission form is now available

Have you worked on something you’re proud of? Looking for a way to share it with a larger audience? Present it at the 2024 UC Tech Annual Conference: Collaboration for Transformation, from October 27-29, co-hosted by UC Davis Health and UC Davis! 

Members of the UC community (UC staff, faculty, and students) are welcome to submit a proposal. Vendors and sponsors may also submit a proposal as part of a UC team session. One or more proposals may be submitted, as an individual or jointly with your team or other colleagues.  

Proposals must be submitted by the extended deadline: 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Applicants will be notified of proposal status in June

Click here to access the proposal submission form

The proposal will require you to do the following: 

  • Identify a Program Track  
    • Artificial Intelligence & the Future of IT   
    • Community, Collaboration & Culture
    • Communications & User Experience (UX)
    • Health Sciences
    • Infrastructure, Research Computing & Data Science
    • Security, Compliance & Privacy
    • Teaching, Learning & Student Success  
  • Choose a Presentation Format 
    • Poster session (20 minutes)
    • Active learning/experiential activity (30-45 minutes)  
    • Standard presentation (45 minutes)  
    • Interactive presentation (45 minutes)   
    • Panel discussions (45 minutes)    
  • Consider Target Audience Skill Level 
    • Beginner 
    • Intermediate 
    • Advanced 
    • All Levels 
  • Develop Learning Outcomes & Engagement Strategies 
    • What are the main takeaways from your presentation? 
    • How do you plan to engage attendees in your presentation? 
  • Create Inclusive & Accessible Presentations 

To learn more about drafting your proposal and the selection process, view the Present at 2024 UC Tech Annual Conference page. For best practices on making a proposal that is engaging and memorable, check out the UC Tech blog: What makes a good proposal?

If you have any questions, email