Who are the Ambassadors for the 2024 UC Tech Annual Conference?
Each year, collaboration across multiple teams has been crucial to the creation of a successful UC Tech Annual Conference.
Among these teams are the UC Tech Ambassadors: colleagues from each of the 10 UC campuses, as well as the Office of the President (UCOP), who provide support to the hosting campus, beginning months in advance of the conference.
The ambassadors serve as the “brain trust” to the hosting campus, drawing on their expertise from previous UC Tech conferences to offer guidance on best practices. They also share information about the conference and answer questions from their campus attendees during the three-day event.
However, the ambassador’s role involves much more than planning and dissemination — it includes active engagement and interaction as well.
“I see it every UC Tech when someone's mind is blown that another group is tackling a problem in a unique way, or when someone meets their counterpart at another campus. As an ambassador, I get to be part of building that momentum and helping people find their community,” said Jessica Hilt, one of the UC Tech Ambassadors from UC San Francisco.
Azra Ayers, the UC Tech Ambassador from UC Riverside, shared a similar sentiment. “Not only am I able to represent my campus, I'm also able to highlight the great things we're doing, help new hires from my organization get out there and network in today's remote work life, and show the industry that UC as a whole is really at the forefront of digital transformation.”
“Having our own UC-specific technology gathering creates a unique experience unlike any other 'tech field' conference out there, and I'm proud to be involved,” Ayers said.
We want to thank our UC Tech 2024 Ambassadors for their invaluable expertise as we continue to prepare for this year’s conference.
UC Tech 2024 Ambassadors
Campus | Name | |
UC Berkeley | Faye Snowden | fsnowden@berkeley.edu |
UC Davis | Iris Chelaru | ichelaru@ucdavis.edu |
UC Davis | Sam Jarosz | sljarosz@ucdavis.edu |
UC Davis Health | Taylor Swanson | tpswanson@ucdavis.edu |
UC Irvine | Meredith Ehrenberg | mehrenbe@uci.edu |
UC Irvine | Kelsie Kim | kelsiek@uci.edu |
UC Irvine | Shelly Toole | shelly@uci.edu |
UCLA | Chris Patterson | chris@oarc.ucla.edu |
UC Merced | Kent Carpenter | kcarpenter4@ucmerced.edu |
UC Merced | Rachel Bellofatto | rbellofatto@ucmerced.edu |
UC Riverside | Azra Ayers | azraa@ucr.edu |
UC San Diego | Mark Hersberger | mhersberger@ucsd.edu |
UC San Diego | Csilla Csori | |
UC Santa Barbara | Jacob Ofilas | jofilas@ucsb.edu |
UC Santa Cruz | Angie Rossi (Steele) | arossi@ucsc.edu |
UC San Francisco | Jessica Hilt | Jessica.hilt@ucsf.edu |
UC San Francisco | Jon Johnson | jon.johnson@ucsf.edu |
UCOP | Emily Weaver | emily.weaver@ucop.edu |
UCOP | Laurel Skurko | laurel.skurko@ucop.edu |
Table last updated: April 9, 2024