Group of people in a meeting together.

Peek Behind the Scenes: UC Tech Committees at Work

Putting together a program as enriching and organized as the UC Tech Annual Conference takes a group effort. Our UC Tech Planning Committees have been hard at work getting ready for the 42nd UC Tech, which is now less than five months away! 

Here is a peek at what five of our planning committees are up to: 

Venue Committee: Layout Designs 

The Venue Subcommittee has toured potential venues, gathering information about capacity, square footage, technological capabilities, and amenities. They have also supplied floor plans and photos of each space. Using this information, they are now designing the layout of elements — chairs, tables, registration, signage, activities, dining, snacks, and more — within each venue. 

Vendor Committee: Paperwork and Planning

After completing the benefits and floor-plans for our lineup of vendors, the Vendor Committee is now organizing several vendor materials: commitment forms, welcome letters, digital materials, logos, participation rules, procurement process information, and more. They are continuing to work with our vendor sponsors and soliciting digital logos for materials design.

Keynote Committee: Speaker Preparations 

Through collaboration with the Venue Committee, the Keynote Committee has secured a private preparation space for keynote speakers at the Mondavi Center. Currently, the team is confirming additional speakers and developing a speaker event document to guide speakers through the conference activities. 

Program & Curriculum Committee: Proposal Selections 

In collaboration with the IET Communications team and Technology team, the Program & Curriculum Committee has completed tasks related to conference proposals: writing program track descriptions, creating the proposal process, reviewing UC Tech Ambassador proposal selections, and finalizing the proposal selections and speakers. 

Now, the committee is coordinating schedules and spaces for special interest groups both pre- and post-conference. They are also updating the draft of the overall conference schedule with any changes. 

Activities Committee: Prizes and Event Planning 

Currently, the Activities Committee is planning the Sunday welcome and Monday evening reception, as well as door prizes for the conference. As the date for UC Tech comes closer, they will be working with the IET Communications team to drum up excitement for their activities. 

Meals Committee: Menus and Product Features 

The Meals Committee is finalizing a fun and delicious menu for the conference. They are also setting up the Sunday welcome and Monday evening reception to feature products created by Alumni from the Viticulture and Brewery programs at UC Davis with accompanying information about the products being served.